Human Crisis Trend The False Prophet Trend Blackout Trend Weather Warfare Trend The A.I Trend Chem trail Trend Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend Weather Manipulation Trend Account Suspension Trend Earthquake Prediction Trend: Was the 7.3 Earthquake Peru Predicted 2018-01-14 12:00 am So far earthquakes are coming without warning. But a new scientific discovery may change all this. Researchers have been studying the 9.1 magnitude Tohoku 2011 quake in Japan and found that gravity signals were detected in real time. Even before the seismic waves occured. But there are other ways that can they be predicted.Well Wallas Da Silva published a video on Dec 25, 2016 claiming earthquakes events that would occur today: Earthquake in PERU 14 January 2018 ANTISISMIC ALARMS peru EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION NAZCA PLATE FUTURE EARTHQUAKES TEC...