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Canadian Schools Should Shut down Nationally? March 13 2020

Human Crisis   Pandemic     State of Emergency Canadian Schools Should Shut down Nationally? Why not?  March 13 2020 Yesterday, Canadian Prime Minister's wife Sophie has been  taken into quarantine. Today, Prime Minister Trudeau had a  national conference outside of his home of isolation. In his conference he was asked about his family and how they were coping with his wife testing positive. His children are being isolated in the same location along with the Prime Minister. Still he has not been tested for the Coronavirus. So if the Prime Minister's children are at home? And the Ontario Government has shut down the Public  School system so why not nationally ? ( source ) Why can't all in of Canada? We are in a global Pandemic as it was announced a few days ago worldwide. Today 117 countries are infected with covid-19 virus. So have some Mayor's across Canada miss the mark? The United States has shut down schools nationally. New ...

Censorship Trend 2020 Silencing Someone Else Name

Human Crisis     Censorship Trend Censorship Trend 2020 Silencing Someone Else Name 3-11-2020 A change in free speech must occur in our legal and social system. This is important for historical records, researchers, and investigators. A few years back in the middle of the pizzagate scandal I heard in the CBC radio a story about a woman who was not allowed to use her real name even as a grown adult. I thought to myself? Then how do we follow the crumbs. Could this be a form of censorship? Her story was one hardly spoken about in Canada, but she fell into a ring of criminals in a Nova Scotia pizza store where she was working at. At a young age she was allured and groomed and forced to do things she did not want to by her employers that photographed her . Her case was in Canadian Courts a few years back. The Courts silenced her name because she was underage. Soon after she was of legal age she wanted to write a book about her story. But she...

Censorship Trend:The Poster Censorship Must Come Down The Truth about Uncleaness

Human Crisis     Censorship Trend Censorship Trend The Poster Censorship Must Come Down  Veronica Davis 3/11/2020 In the United States the House of Appropriations hearing the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) discussed its budget on Tuesday. The very first comment came from the Chairwoman Ms Delauro who has brought up a concern that applies to the general public. Today a meeting for the 2021 budget that has not been discussed since 2016, took place earlier this morning. Ms Delauro claimed: The American Administration has been ordered the immigration courts to immediately remove coronavirus poster. It just says that the Immigration staff have been ordered by the administration to take down coronavirus posters from Court Rooms and waiting area the executive office for immigration review which falls under the department of Justice told all the Judges and staff members in an email Monday that all the Corona virus posters which explained in English and Spanish...

What is happening with Covid-19?

Human Crisis Trend   State of Emergency Trend   Outbreak Trend     Agenda 21 Read all the articles from  February 25 2020 until today. What is happening with the Coronavirus or Covid-19 worldwide? Could the Coronavirus spread like an Avalanche Pandemic February 25, 2020 Will the Corona Virus be a Global Agenda and Pandemic? February 25, 2020 Global Pandemic, will it spread like an avalanche? February 25, 2020 The Coronavirus Situation Feb 28, 2020 A new secretive virus is also being reported yesterday. What is this new mysterious Read More.. Mysterious Flu and Hiv Like Mutation Mar 1, 2020 Will the Richmond Hill Toronto Public  or North York Region be infected? Mar 2 2020 Human Crisis Coronavirus Covid-19 March 4, 2022

Human Crisis Trend Greece Turkey Border Invasion

Human Crisis Trend     Corona Virus    Greece Turkey Border Invasion Greece Turkey Border Invasion Feb 26-Mar 4 2020  3/4/2020 The Islamic invasion passing by Greece has been non stop since 2015. But it has not been at its worst until this past week . Three days ago  in Lesvos a  Greek Orthodox church   had been vandalized according to Greek City Times news, other  Buildings and windows and lights have been broken. No respect for the country. Military has been called to take control of the Human Invasion into Greece. The AP press on March 1, 2020 reported of the Turkish president  Tayyip Erdogan   claiming '80,888 had left Turkey for Europe “in the past several days” and called on Europe to share the burden of looking after refugees'. source March 3, 2020 Greece: Riot police clear migrants Watch how the migrants laugh as they think its funny to push local police. as seen in  Scuffles as ...

Human Crisis Coronavirus Covid-19 March 4, 2022

Human Crisis Trend     Corona Virus    Greece Turkey Border Invasion Worldwide Coronavirus Crisis 2020  Covid-19 Amazon Employee  Veronica Davis 3/4/2020 95, 120 with Covid-19  3,254 dead March 4, 2020 3:23 PM    80,270 Mainland China 5,621 South Korea 3,089 Italy 587 new cases and 28 new deaths in Italy 2,922 Iran 706 Others 331 Japan 285 France 73 new cases in France 262 Germany 59 new cases in Germany 222 Spain  63 new cases and 1 new death in Spain 153 US  2 new deaths and 30 new cases in the United States 33 Canada 3 new cases in Canada (British Columbia) [source] linked to Iran Canada and United States media continues to  push alcohol sanitizers and washing hands for 20 seconds and avoiding touching face. As it spreads through touch and coughing and virus stays on surface of objects.  In Los Angeles U.S they have declared a state of health emergency w...

Censorship Trend What is Laura Lynn's Silence while She Finds Things in Life?

Human Crisis      Censorship Trend Censorship Trend 2020 What is Laura Lynn's Silence while She Finds Things in Life ? Veronica Davis 3/3/2020 Do you know where your children are all the time? Censorship has been the trend I have tried to avoid for many reasons. The first one lies with the truth, there are way too many victims. In an information age surge, exchanging information is our freedom. Jesus Christ told us there, to expose everything occult and hidden.  A few years ago, I was watching Laura Lynn at the 700 club Christian show. I often wondered where she went, why was she replaced from the show? Today I found out.  It is always the woman who love our children first because naturally God gave us that natural ability to give birth. But in this compelling story that Laura Lynn has brought to the surface there is much to think about. What would Yahweh Elohim Yeshua Jesus Christ Say? When I wrote this book, I thought of the title before I even knew...