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The Set Up Cancel Culture Movement!

Human Crisis Trend   Remove Statue Trend   Cancel Culture Movement Trend Arise, The Set Up Cancel Culture Movement! 7/27/2020 Dt 29:29  Mt 24:12  Luke 12:2 Who will rise up? Who will be woken up from their deep sleep? While the World is being set up for the the stage of the coming of the end of age, the Holy One or Qodesh prepare. America is being faced with dilemma since the beginning of time. But it is not just America,  when the movement has hit world stage decades ago. It has been moving in a slow pace and is it finally hitting home. We talk of this happening in the Middle East, and that happening in South or Central America but what happens when it hits home. Was it a set up? The Cancel Culture Movement is hitting full circle. Because One God create one World. And we are living in it. Scratch the set up. Is not God Almighty the one true creator of Heaven and Ear...

Who do you serve? Cancel Culture!

Human Crisis Trend   Remove Statue Trend   Cancel Culture Movement Trend Who do you Serve? Cancel Culture! Veronica Davis 7/27/2020 1 Samuel 17:49     2 Samuel 13:28   1 Kings 1:6    Romans 3:23    Dt  4:32    Mt 9:17   Acts 17:11 Who do you serve? The time when Jesus Christ sent me messages one of the words given to me was Secularism. I understand why it is an important point of focus to the Body of Christ. We as the Body of Christ must understand the angles of Secularism has been hijacked by Satan's society. Secularism has been slowly changing over time.  Just like school's are teaching the meaning of democracy and  tyrants. The reason  this is disappearing is because we are perceiving the 'Come the  End of Age'. Perception is all part of the deception. Accepting the new normal is an ox...

Coming the end of age

First Paper Back Book Triumphants

Celestial Prophecy Eclipse Trend    Earthquake Trend   10 km Earthquake Trend     Remove Statue Trend New Paperback out! Purchase at or .com Individual Targeting Remove Statue Trend Hate Crime Lawlessness 7/1/2020 10:10 AM In the past weeks since the covid-19 worldwide pandemic that started in March 2020, we have seen violence escalating in a new way. A copy cat to what Isis terrorists have done in 2014 Iraq. But the Remove the statue trend has also been an individual targeted trend.  In the past years Churches have been set on fire in France, Canada , United States and worldwide. Not a hate crime? Christian statues BEHEADED in broad daylight in Ontario June 30 2020 Good Bishops & Priests are Protecting Statues: Let’s Rally to Them - HER... Similar Stories Ten years in jail if anyone tries to touch monument statues in America says President Donald Trump on June 23 2020. Remove the Statue Trend 'CP...

Individual Targeting Remove Statue Trend Hate Crime Lawlessness

Celestial Prophecy Eclipse Trend    Earthquake Trend   10 km Earthquake Trend     Remove Statue Trend Individual Targeting Remove Statue Trend Hate Crime Lawlessness 7/1/2020 10:10 AM In the past weeks since the covid-19 worldwide pandemic that started in March 2020, we have seen violence escalating in a new way. A copy cat to what Isis terrorists have done in 2014 Iraq. But the Remove the statue trend has also been an individual targeted trend.  In the past years Churches have been set on fire in France, Canada , United States and worldwide. Not a hate crime? Christian statues BEHEADED in broad daylight in Ontario June 30 2020 Good Bishops & Priests are Protecting Statues: Let’s Rally to Them - HER... Similar Stories Ten years in jail if anyone tries to touch monument statues in America says President Donald Trump on June 23 2020. Remove the Statue Trend 'CPAC Leader warns remove stature of Jesus 'Statues of Jesus are n...

All lives Matter event live today infront of the RCMP Building Winnipeg Canada June 25 2020

Deception Trend All lives Matter event live today in front of the RCMP Building Winnipeg Canada June 25 2020 6/25/2020 by Veronica Davis All All All lives Matter event was live today in front of the RCMP Building Winnipeg Canada, Megatrndz was present. The fools did not go unnoticed. All lives matter RCMP Abolish Police Black Lives Matter BLM thugs The thug police of blm needed deodorant so I will pray for him tonight. Today the thug police of the blm tried, I said tried, but was unsuccessful at throwing me to the dogs. I was not allowed to be on the sidewalk because it was taken hostage by the thug police as they invaded the sidewalk of the RCMP Building today. This criminal will not go unnoticed. I have him well on camera. Get behind me Satan. This was not a laughing matter, as I notified authorities and made sure this blm crook got his share of my words to the police, and rcmp and megatrndz viewers. Jesus Christ said that what is in the dark, will be released in t...

7.3 Km Mexico 2020-06-23 09:29:07

Eclipse Trend    Earthquake Trend   10 km Earthquake Trend     Remove Statue Trend 7.3 Km Mexico 2020-06-23 09:29:07 8:50 pm 6/23/2020 Did the June 21 2020 Eclipse of Fire bring major earthquakes? In the past 24 hours several earthquakes occurred in Mexico above 7 Magnitude. Out of the major 8 earthquakes 3 were 10 km depths. If you are in tune with the megatrndz you will know what I mean. Date & time: Tuesday, 23 June 2020 15:29 UTC Local time at epicenter: 2020-06-23 09:29:07 Magnitude: 7.3 Depth: 35.0 km Epicenter latitude / longitude: 16.103°N / 95.94°W (Mexico) Nearest volcano: San Martín (286 km) Primary data source: INETER Estimated released energ It was reporting being felt as far as Mexico City 502.2 km NW from epicenter. One observer said, ' long wave type shaking, door and frames moved some books fell down from shelves. My apartment is located on the 4th floor'.   Severe shaking was reported as far as 509.2 km NW from epice...

Fire Eclipse Live

Ring of Fire Eclipse live over Israel Sunday June 21 2020 RECTA FINAL 8: ECLIPSE 21 JUNIO 2020 ANILLO DE FUEGO por el Roeh Dr Javier Palacios Celorio.

Deception Agenda The Chaos Recipe

Human Crisis     Deception Trend    The New Global Agenda    Agenda 2020    2021  2030   2050 Deception Agenda The Chaos Recipe 6/18/2020 Is Black Lives Matter the new Political Party? Is the civil unrest a well planned agenda? Yes Deception Agenda is just the recipe to the Chaos Recipe. With many ingredients to cook the perfect meal it was created by many cooks in the kitchen. The civil unrest agenda has been taught in university gatherings to create a universal propaganda. The new target is the teens who are in love with their cell phones and social media. They are being highly targeted quietly through facebook, instagram and other well documented marketing cooks. So are there too many cooks in the kitchen. Jesus Christ says in the End Times men' hearts will grow cold. What is Chaz? The new civil unrest social gatherings. A recipe on overthrowing the current government. But all of this has already happened in many...

Minneapolis as the first American State to Defund Police 6/13 2020

Human Crisis     Deception Trend  Agenda 2020    2021  2030   2050 Minneapolis as the first American State to Defund Police 6/13 2020 6/13/2020 direct link Can the police department be abolished? Are we in a brainwashed society? Nothing is new under God Almighty's eyes. An American State, Minneapolis has not only burned down three police stations it is now defunding the police. What about abolish the Police Department? So what does defunding the police mean? While defunding may be a new word is civilization quickly disappearing? The answer is yes.Just like we are being brainwashed to believe the new normal. Not only are we listening to commentators, and religious leaders such as Archbishop Vigano speak the truth when will the rest of civilization wake up. Many people quickly are waking up to the reality but what is reality to us is not for the ot...

Human Crisis Trend: Who are the Children of Light and Children of Darkness?

Human Crisis     Deception Trend  Agenda 2020     2021  2030   2050 Who are the Children of Light and Children of Darkness? 6/11/2020 Secrets and lies has been something Jesus Christ warned us all about over two thousand years ago. Is it finally coming into fruition? Deep Dark secrets, Deep state and Secret Societies like the Masonic Temple. In an amazing Donald Trump tweet stating the astonishing secret by Vigano. The President of the United States is not keeping quiet and neither is Vigano. There is a plot behind the Global Pandemic and ties with the Floyd Rioting. This is no news to the people who have been following Megatrndz. Because Multimillionaires are all behind it.  The George Soros followers and the Tech Giants Bill Gates. In the June 7 2020  letter written by Archbishop Vigano it states: They are subservient to the deep state, to globalism, to aligned thought to the New World Order which they invoke eve...

Are neighborhoods feeling more unsafe since Floyd riots began?

Trends   Celestial Trend        Blood Moon Trend      Deception Trend     Pole Shift Trend      Laser Technology Trend     Direct Energy Weapon Trend     Emp Attack Trend        Chemtrail trend    Weather Warfare  Trend   Weather Manipulation Trend Are neighborhoods feeling more unsafe since Floyd riots began? 6/10/2020 The rioting is leaving America in fear. Neighborhoods are starting to feel more unsafe ever since the civil unrest began. What happens when an Alderman speaks up about those fears? In a heated conversation between an Alderman and Politician. Alderman is in fear that that gangsters in his neighborhood are walking with ak guns. In response the politician in charge answered, 'There is nothing intelligent that I can say to you?' Watch vide...

Garabandal, Only God Knows - Full Movie (English Audio) now Free

Garabandal, Only God Knows - Full Movie (English Audio) now Free Dear friends in Canada, Have you been following the story behind Garabandal, 'Only God Knows'. Well it is premiering tonight, June 7th 2020, at 7pm (EST). Please help to promote this premiere by passing along these new links to your friends and family. English Dubbing: Original Spanish with English Subtitles: It will also be available online at the same link until July 2, 2020. Important information: June 13, 2020 at 11:00 am (EST): Fr. Jose Luis Saavedra will be giving a talk entitled “Garabandal and Priests.” The talk will be translated live into English.           Who is Fr. Jose Luis Saavedra?? Father Jose Luis Saavedra is the author of the first doctoral thesis in the history of the Church on the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin at Garabandal. His thesis helped to shape and guide the scrip...

Eclipse Trend: Israel June 5 2020

  Celestial Trend        Blood Moon Trend      Deception Trend     Pole Shift Trend      Laser Technology Trend     Direct Energy Weapon Trend     Emp Attack Trend        Chemtrail trend    Weather Warfare  Trend   Weather Manipulation Trend Lunar Eclipse Trend: Israel June 5 2020 Psalms 83:4   Jr 49: 34  Read more Friday Day 10 Worldwide Civil Unrest June 5 2020 Penumbra  Lunar Eclipse 13  in the   3rd Hebrew month see link Next Eclipse in 15 days June 21 2020   see link June-21 Annual Solar Next Eclipse in 30 days July 4-5 2020 see external link -What kind ...

Blind Gatherings Peaceful Protest an Oxymoron

Blind Gatherings Peaceful Protest an Oxymoron   Tuesday 6/2/2020 Read more: Tuesday Day 7 June 2 of Chaos Anarchy and Violence Trend     Bling Gathering Trend        Curfew Trends What is an anarchist? George Floyd demonstration, peaceful protest to violence and chaos, destruction to terrorism. George Floyd a porn-star and security guard may have died a week ago but remembering what he stood for is shrouded in mystery and chaos. Remember the time when Jesus Christ told his Apostles what the signs of the end times would be? Jesus Christ said to watch for the signs when evil is called good? It looks like when we are here. He also said to watch out for the word 'Peace.' a whole new evil agenda chaos destruction by megatrndz Sugar coating a bad situation may be as bad as when Jesus Christ said 'though they have eyes to see they can not see'. What is the new Peace...