March 2021 Trends Celestial Trend Human Crisis Health Benefits Celestial Trend How God Almighty Created the Seasons Veronica Davis 2021-03-05 March is one of the most important Months of the year. It is a Month like a Great Awakening. The birth of many animals and the plants begin to blossom. I am not talking about the fake, ‘Great Reset’. It is kind of a cleansing of the Spirit. The latin phrase reflecting the Month of March. What an exciting Season for the animals that are looking for fresh water to drink from the melting waters. Several years ago, Megatrndz website used a latin phrase with a picture of a deer. This is taken from the Books of Psalms 42. As the deer pants for the water so my Soul pants for you, o God. My Soul thirst for God; for the living God. When shall I come and Appear before God? Psalms 42:2 The month ...