Climate Chaos Climate Change Unexplained Trends Strange Trends Laser Trends Full Moon Bridge Collapsing Trend Human Crisis Trend Targeted Individual Trend 8.2 Magnitude Alaskan Earthquake July 29 2021 2021-07-29 4 am by Veronica Davis We certainly are living in unprecedented times. Jesus Christ did say increase of earthquakes and mountains would be moved out of place. Praying for Alaskan people. Be not afraid. While people were asleep the inevitable happened. Two hours ago there was an 8.2 Alaskan Earthquake and a Tsunami warning. A little after midnight the 8.2 Magnitude Earthquake shocks the Northern region 91 km ESE of Perryville, Alaska on Thursday July 29 2021, 06:15:49 UTC. The weather was overcast Clouds 12°C (54 F), humidity of 89%. The wind at 7 m/s (14 kts) from SSW according to USGS (United States Geological Survey) and the ...