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Hurricane Ida Near Cuba August 27 2021

  HURRICANE Ida  to Hit Louisiana 16 years Katrina Anniversary  Hurricane Ida heading towards United States, may approach Gulf Coast as Category 4 storm. On Sunday August 29 2021 will hit ground. Friday August 27 2021 4pm Forecast direction of Hurricane Ida for Saturday August 28 2021 4pm Forecast direction of Hurricane Ida for Sunday August 29 2021 4pm

Linda, Grace and Henri Saturday August 21 2021

  Linda, Grace and Henri Saturday August 21 2021  On Thursday Hurricane Grace made landfall for first time in Mexico. On Saturday it left 8 people dead. Hurricane Grace disappears off the map by Monday while Linda and Henri linger. Storm Omais passes by Philippines.

Human Crisis: Federal Court strikes Vaccine Mandates and Restrictions on Unvaccinated

August 23,2021 There is always light and hope at  the end of the tunnel  This is a victory for the United States. Americans fighting Hard in Federal Court against vaccine mandates. An attorney from Texas tweets Today,  "Some thought it couldn't be done. Then it was done. Federal court strikes down vaccine mandate & restrictions on unvaccinated. "  People from Spain, England and France took the health orders to the streets. In Canada nothing is set in stone but even enforcing masks among teachers is becoming a grey area. A superintendent in Winnipeg is respecting vacinne enforced on teachers saying those for religious reasons can opt out. The World is fighting against New World Orders. See video footage of thousands going on the streets in Paris this Saturday August 21, 2021.

Human Crisis Paris fights for Freedom August 21 2021

Paris Fights for freedom. We are the last generation that will have freedom, the signs said.  A peacefully protest today with thousands walking the streets of Paris.   Ruptly went live for hours a peaceful walk.  Then hundreds of police officers came to cause terror. Police were running among the crowds of peaceful walkers. Macron is not a favorite after his health orders infringes people rights of their own bodies.  God Bless the peaceful demonstors in Paris streets today. You have earned your freedom your songs delivers victory towards a tyrant Government. Yours Truly, Veronica Davis

PM of Canada Justin Trudeau August 20 2021

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stops in Crestview Winnipeg Veronica Davis August 20 2021 A Kingdom that  is fully vaxxed does not exist. But that is the kingdom Justin Trudeau wants to reign. He is calling federal elections 2 years early as if that is really democratic. Today the bizarre happened. Cars were stopping in my front drive . I looked out my front window and two cars blocked cavalier drive no one could come in or out. I headed back to see the commotion. And a neighbour said Trudeau is there. Was he kidding. An empty Beaver bus and about 15 officers blocking the public back lane. No walking across. Later, I found an hour long cpac youtube video of Trudeau's promise to the world for next 4 or 6 yrs if he wins. Why does PM of Canada decide to do speech at a small grocery as a federal campaign move. It has many wondering. Today he was in my backlane but unapproachable PM Justin Trudeau. Did he recognize me. The caravan past infront of me and he didn't even say hi or did he...

Human Crisis Afghanistan will it be controlled by Taliban

Human Crisis Afghanistan will it be controlled by Taliban. Yesterday there was chaos at the  airport and traffic jams on the streets. These were among the described chaos scenes shown on social media. This Sunday August 15 2021 the NATO and United States troops has pulled out from Afghanistan after 20 years. It has President Trump requesting President Biden to resign. Criticism from around the World is starting. The Taliban has taken over its fourth place now the capital Kabul. Israel is critizing that this will bring other terrorist like Alkida in to control. Citizens in Afghanistan are fleeing yesterday as Taliban is occupying there. United states has requested all Americas to leave.  In Israel around Temple Mount fires are looking like Biblical Ancient Prophetic Scriptures being fulfilled Such as Revelation 9:11 and Revelation 15

Strange Earthquake Trend 8.2 Magnitude

   Climate Chaos      Climate Change   Unexplained Trends      Strange Trends     Laser Trends     Full Moon     Bridge Collapsing Trend   Human Crisis Trend     Targeted Individual Trend 8.2 Magnitude Alaskan Earthquake July 29 2021 2021-07-29 4 am by Veronica Davis We certainly are living in unprecedented times. Jesus Christ did say increase of earthquakes and mountains would be moved out of place. Praying for Alaskan people. Be not afraid. While people were asleep the inevitable happened. Two hours ago there was an 8.2 Alaskan Earthquake and a Tsunami warning. A little after midnight the 8.2 Magnitude Earthquake shocks the Northern region 91 km ESE of Perryville, Alaska on Thursday July 29 2021, 06:15:49 UTC. The weather was overcast Clouds  12°C (54 F), humidity of 89%. The wind at 7 m/s (14 kts) from SSW according to USGS (United States Geological Survey) and the ...

Uruguay Faces Climate Change

  Climate Chaos      Climate Change   Unexplained Trends      Strange Trends     Laser Trends     Full Moon     Bridge Collapsing Trend   Human Crisis Trend     Targeted Individual Trend Uruguay Faces Climate Change 2021-07-22 #COP24  #Geoengineering #solargeoengineering #diamonddust #smartdust #smartagriculture #OceanAcidification What is happening in the Ocean waters near the Uruguay's coastlines that has caused strange climatic activity for the past month. High Tides and High Winds has brought Foam from the Ocean in the coast lines of Piriápolis , Maldonado; Uruguay. On June 28 reports of Extratropical Cyclone reaching in Punta del Este and Piriapolis. Fallen trees, columns and electric tendons are the partial balance of the extratropical cyclone that very strongly touched land on the east coast of the country. By mid day Piriapolis  had some breakage in canopy and posters on ...

Strange Events: Angry Thursday European Floods, Unusual Barrie Tornado

Climate Chaos     Climate Change   Unexplained Trends      Strange Trends     Laser Trends     Full Moon     Bridge Collapsing Trend   Human Crisis Trend     Targeted Individual Trend European Dangerous Lakes and Rivers causes Massive  Floods July 15, 2021 2021-07-16 by Veronica Davis What was happening around the World on Thursday that made Lakes, Rivers and Banks to break all around  Europe. This week's flash floods in northern villages of Schleitheim und Beggingen Switzerland has caused devastation.  So far there have been about 110 deaths reported western Germany and Belgium.  People died from Houses collapsing on them in Erftstadt, Southwest of Cologne. Aerial photos show a massive sinkhole. This Friday, People are still in danger as rescuing still continues. Images of Houses destroyed are seen  in Schuld, Germany, on July 15.  Images of Cars submer...

Human Crisis: It Continues Nicaragua s Dictator and Communist Ortega Regime

Unexplained Trends      Strange Trends     Laser Trends     Full Moon     Bridge Collapsing Trend   Human Crisis Trend     Targeted Individual Trend Human Crisis: It Continues Nicaragua s Dictator and Communist Ortega Regime 2021-07-06 by Veronica Davis Night of Terror  as Kidnapping  numbers mount up in Nicaragua . On Monday more Presidential candidates in Nicaragua have been arrested by Dictatorship Daniel Ortega. For Months the evil,  dictator is preventing all leaders from entering office for November 2021 Presidency. On June 25, 2021 after emergency U.S Sanctions against Ortegas Regime the Nicaragua President Dictator Daniel Ortega met with Russian Vladimir Putin in Managua, Nicaragua. Monday Night Ortegista police arrested farmworker leaders Medardo Mairena . According to the Ortegista police he is being accused of murder and kidnapping by his own regime. Pedro had  planned to run against Ort...

Human Crisis: Building Mysteriously Collapses in Florida and John McAfee Targeted

Unexplained Trends     Strange Trends     Laser Trends    Full Moon     Bridge Collapsing Trend   Human Crisis Trend     Targeted Individual Trend Human Crisis:  Building Mysteriously Collapses in Florida and John McAfee Targeted   Veronica Davis 2021-06-25 #megatrndz  #Christians If you think you are being targeted it is because you are. In the past year the targeted trend has sky rocketed and that is because the crime has gone up worldwide. There is enough people targeting one another as groups and organizations become opposed. The world is going through a new dark phase of change that we are not prepared for. But I have learned over time that the one true love that will never abandon you and will never change is God Almighty Jesus Christ. When times get rough it is important to have God Almighty Jesus Christ always close to mind.  A little over 24 hours ago a building in  Surfside, Flo...

Human Crisis: Nicaragua's Liberation of Future Presidential Leaders

 Human Crisis Trend     Targeted Individual Trend Human Crisis: Nicaragua's Liberation of Future Presidential Leaders Veronica Davis 2021-06-14 Some believe it is the ending of the Radical leader couple Daniel Ortega and his wife. In the past two weeks many illegal arrests have taken place in Nicaragua. With four  Presidential candidates have been kidnapped illegally and are now in prison, Felix Maradiaga, Sebastian Chamorro, Cristina Chamorro and Arturo Cruz. As well as Lawyers of Presidential Candidates. Since 2019 there have been more than 120 political imprisonments. These illegal arrests are getting international attention. Secretary General of the OEA Luis Almagro has urged in a Letter to the president of the permanent council of the organization  Ronal Sanders that they should activate the necessary mechanism of Article 21 of the Democratic Letter of the Inter-American. It speaks to Suspend Nicaragua as a member of the OEA.  On CNN news, Ronald Sande...

Celestial Trend: Solar Eclipse June 10, 2021

Celestial Trend: Solar Eclipse June 10, 2021 Solar Winds are occurring at  437 km per second Asteroids passing by right over our heads. There shall be signs in the Moon and the Stars.and on the Earth dismay among Nations in perplexity at the roaring of the sea and the waves .. .then they shall see the Son of Man Luke 21:25 How much will the  Solar Eclipse affect the tides. Australia is getting ready for a blizzard where animals can freeze to death. Prior Eclipses S olar Eclipse August 21, 2017   July 22, 2017 A lot has happened this week. Take for example, in the Toronto, Ryerson University received a blow to the head as the Cancel Culture targeted a statue this past weekend. Then there was the multiple of accidents occurring in North York, Ontario where pedestrian are no longer feeling safe anymore. A whole family was killed as a car hit and killed a Muslim family.  Trudeau is calling it a terrorist attack but when the police is targeting Catholics, Christian and Je...

superblood moon eclipse may 26 2021 635am

superblood moon eclipse may 26 2021 635am makes full eclipse. Up in Central Canada the moon hid among the clouds. Alaskan Volcano erupts. Was it Connected with the bloodmoon. Volcano Discovery suggested on wednesday May 26, 2021: A new short-lived (1-2 minutes) explosive eruption started at the volcano at 21:04 local time (05:04 UTC) and the activity is still continuing at the time of this update as confirmed by geophysical data. Mariner observations suggest an ash plume height of about 15,000 ft (4,600 m) as well as confirmed by Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Anchorage. The plume continues to dissipate towards the east. God Bless everyone

10 km depth Trend China 7.3 Magnitude Earthquake May 21 2021 3 hours ago

10 km depth Trend China 7.3 Magnitude Earthquake May 21 2021 3 hours ago All earthquakes today in China were 10 km deep which means triggered by somthing above. 7 hours ago china had a 6 magnitude earthquake. Japan too had a 10 km earthquake. Friday May 21 2021, 20:52:54 UTC 21 minutes ago 15 km NNW of Midland, Texas 2.8 7. Friday May 21 2021, 20:40:51 UTC 33 minutes ago 4 km S of Pāhala, Hawaii 2.0 32.1  Friday May 21 2021, 20:37:12 UTC 37 minutes ago 8 km SSE of Girdwood, Alaska 3.2 18.9  Friday May 21 2021, 20:22:37 UTC 52 minutes ago 3 km ESE of Pāhala, Hawaii 2.4 35.5  Friday May 21 2021, 20:21:34 UTC 53 minutes ago 14km SE of Mammoth Lakes, CA 0.5 1.7 Friday May 21 2021, 20:20:45 UTC 53 minutes ago 34km ENE of Coso Junction, CA 1.5 0.4 Friday May 21 2021, 20:07:58 UTC 66 minutes ago 11 km NNE of Houston, Alaska 2.4 27.7 USGS Feed Detail Friday May 21 2021, 20:07:58 UTC 66 minutes ago 11 km NNE of Houston, Alaska 2.4 27.7 ...