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Stories by Year is providing the stories by trends to be read for free for a short time only. Support the website by Purchasing  Books: Questions email   2017 Creation of mankind January 28, 2017 Retailers Closing Trend January 14, 2017 fakenews-trend January 12, 2017 Late child bearing trend January 05, 2017 Fakenews Trend January 05, 2017 Mysterious Booms Trend 2017 December 01, 2017 Megatrndz Show Episode 5 December 01, 2017 Ezekiel 38 Russian-Turkish-Iranian- Alliance December

#humancrisis Q 10 days blackout trend

10 Day Trend    Q files Trend         Blackout Trend    Weather Warfare Trend  Biological Weather Warfare Trend   Chem trail Trend     Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend     Weather Manipulation Trend         Account Suspension Trend     The Megatrndz Show Episode 17 Thursday 2017-12-28 #disruptions #jesus #q #abortion #fetus #cloning #humancrisis #hybrid #julianassange #bodyparts ##chimeras #storm #michigan #humantrafficking #thestorm  #followthewhiterabbit Find out how to not sleep with one eye open and invite Jesus into your Heart it is never too late. It is the reason why God came into this form into flesh and blood as Jesus Christ came to warn us of times of beginning of sorrow. Do not miss what is going on in the real World before someone else will tell it the wrong way. Find out for yourself and watch all 7 episodes of December 27, 2017 Megatrndz Show.  God Bless Everyone this restful time of the Season when Jesus Christ was born over 2,000 years and do not fo

The BlackOut Trend: Are We Seeing in the Dark Now Dineyland

10 Day Trend    Q files Trend         Blackout Trend    Weather Warfare Trend  Biological Weather Warfare Trend   Chem trail Trend     Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend     Weather Manipulation Trend         Account Suspension Trend     The BlackOut Trend: Are We Seeing in the Dark Now Dineyland 2017-12-27 Well as megatrndz finished with the Blackout trend , Seeing in the Dark Atlanta another one pops up only this time it was not at an airport. And this time it was not a blackout ,let us call it a glitch with the transformer. No matter what "they" try to call it , the truth unveils. It is a blackout, and it is a trend on megatrndz.  And while "People stranded on Disneyland rides after power outage" by Jackie Salo on December 27, 2017 | 3:54pm | not was this story Updated did it release too much information to an audience that may be associated with a  kid friendly name like Disneyland. Anaheim amusement park’s Toontown at Califonia s Disney

The BlackOut Trend: The Mysterious Flight to no where

10 Day Trend    Q files Trend         Blackout Trend    Weather Warfare Trend  Biological Weather Warfare Trend   Chem trail Trend     Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend     Weather Manipulation Trend         Account Suspension Trend     The BlackOut Trend: The Mysterious Flight to no where 2017-12-27 When Supermodel Chrissy Tiegen tweets 9.26 million birdies hear. All Aboard The Mysterious Flight to no where. Sounds weird enough. Well not so. While people in Disneyland were put on a hold up in the air so were 230 passengers to Toyko as well. And so one famous person was very concerned of what was going on that caught media attention. Her name is Chrissy Teigen a supermodel and pregnant to Musician John Legend as she questioned all the unusual events unveiling infront of her very eyes. So the Washington Post wrote a story about her tweet just an hour ago calling it "A passenger boards the wrong plane. So Chrissy Teigen tweets about an 8-hour 'flight to n

The 10 Day Trend

10 Day Trend    Q files Trend         Blackout Trend    Weather Warfare Trend  Biological Weather Warfare Trend   Chem trail Trend     Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend     Weather Manipulation Trend         Account Suspension Trend     The 10 Day Trend 2017-12-27 This Month the BlackOut Trend: Are We Seeing the Dark Now   began as Strange Airport Events began to unravel one after another. First it began in Atlanta, Georgia as a strange first began in April 2017. Then the December 2017 Atlanta Airport Blackout on the same day in Washington DC a Train Derails . All occurring during the same time frame that the American Presidency  is in a possible coup begins to unwind. This being the beginning of many more events that begin to surface. American News Reporter and Founder of the Alex Jones Infowars, explains to his audience how an informant to the Presidency secrecy service wants to know more of who Alex thinks may be a possible behind an assassination threat and

The BlackOut Trend: Are We Seeing in the Dark now in Atlanta

10 Day Trend    Q files Trend         Blackout Trend    Weather Warfare Trend  Biological Weather Warfare Trend   Chem trail Trend     Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend     Weather Manipulation Trend         Account Suspension Trend     The BlackOut Trend: Are We Seeing in the Dark Now in Atlanta 2017-12-27 Just a few days ago, a Mysterious Canadian S.O.S  signal surfaced the internet on December 25, 2017 "S.O.S Trend: Toronto Airport coincidence  or emergency" a s it what was being described as  two air planes from the Toronto Airport were writing  on the runaway. But the online news quiet it down as the story disappeared from the spotlight. Then the focus became the Delta U.S flights. Soon after, it evolved to the Q tweets hit a diversion to other codes meaning not the Delta flights but something else. Meanwhile other informers brought to the surfaces that very day about Julian Assange the founder of Wikileaks disappearing Twitter account. But his acc

Q Files Trend

10 Day Trend    Q files Trend         Blackout Trend    Weather Warfare Trend  Biological Weather Warfare Trend   Chem trail Trend     Atmospheric Geoengineering Trend     Weather Manipulation Trend         Account Suspension Trend     Q Files  Trend 2017-12-27 Who is Playing the Q GAME? Is it a collective revolutionary game? This Month the   BlackOut Trend: Are We Seeing the Dark Now   began as Strange  Events began to unravel one after another. Brings Followers of reading between the lines and seeing in the dark brings a strong front to the true meaning in the words of many. One very interesting food for thought, on november 17, 2017 " Q Clearance Patriot #4chan #QAnon Drops — The Coming Storm & Reconstituted Revolution #Oligarchicid": the person claiming to have Q clearance by the way Q clearance for those of you who do not know Q clearance as defined by Wikipedia is a United States Department of Energy of energy security clearance t